Optimize PDF

Optimize PDF

Optimize PDF

Optimize PDF


Optimize a PDF file by reducing its file size while maintaining document quality.


Basic API information

Method: POST

API Base URL: https://cortadojs.com/v1/api/optimize-pdf

- pdfUrl: URL of the PDF file to be optimized


Each code snippet provides a clear and concise illustration of making API requests, with comments explaining the purpose of each request and any required parameters. By following these examples, you can seamlessly integrate Cortado.js into your web applications and leverage its powerful features to enhance image optimization, PDF processing, and more.

import axios from 'axios';

const optimizePDF = async (pdfUrl) => {
  try {
    const response = await axios.post('/api/optimize-pdf', { pdfUrl });
    console.log('Optimized PDF URL:', response.data.optimizedPdfUrl);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error optimizing PDF:', error);


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Designed by Ditych. Powered by Framer.